
It isn’t easy to grow high-quality roses continuously and this is especially difficult when growing under abiotic stress conditions. Problems with rose cultivation can arise as a result of, for example, a low level of light intensity, rising nighttime humidity, heat or temporary nutrient deficiencies. This could lead to powdery mildew or a quarantine organism, such as Ralstonia.

Therefore, always start cultivation by making the plants healthier and more robust, to boost their resilience. We can help you to do this with our resilient cultivation strategies, fertilisers and biostimulants. Whichever choice you make, our products will make your roses strong and resilient, regardless of their stage of growth. This results in firm stems with strong flowers and a better vase life.

Improve the resilience of young rose plants by applying willow bark extract and silicon

To improve the resilience of your roses from an early stage, we recommend irrigating newly purchased plant materials on the growing slab with our fertiliser with CE marking, ArgicinPlus. Or dip the young plants in a dipping basin containing ArgicinPlus. In consultation, this could be done by the propagator. ArgicinPlus is chosen because of the broad effect of this fertiliser with CE marking. Besides urea, it also contains silicon (orthosilicic acid), willow bark extract and colloidal silver.

  • Willow bark extract especially plays an important role at the start of cultivation in root development and boosting the rose plant’s own defence system. The young plants grow faster and more evenly through the slab. Boosted root development also ensures that the young plant has a greater capacity to absorb water and nutrients. This reduces the chance of failure.
  • Silicon ensures harder stalks and leaves. It is built into the cell walls, therefore providing additional strength. Silicon also improves the internal transport of water, allowing water and nutrients to reach their destination more easily; drought stress is less likely to be a problem.
  • The colloidal silver has various effects on the plant. During this early stage, it mainly helps to increase the chlorophyll content, contributing to the growth of your crop.


Recommended dosage/advice for use ArgicinPlus from the start of new rose plants

  • Add 0.1 litres of ArgicinPlus to 50 litres of water (= 1 litre/500 litres of water) to a dipping basin and dip the rockwool slab/plug into the mixture, so that this can be absorbed.
  • If you opt to irrigate the slab, the concentration required for the solution is 1 litre of ArgicinPlus in 500 litres of water. Irrigate each plant with 100 ml of this solution.


If desired, whichever method of application you choose, you can then continue with biological pest control (without further waiting periods).

Maintain resilience of a growing rose

If a rose plant is growing well after the initial fertilisation with ArgicinPlus, it is important to monitor and maintain its growth and health. In our opinion, it is best to do this with a combination of our CE marked biostimulants SalicylPure and SilicaPower.

  • SalicylPure contains willow bark extract which permanently maintains the strengthened root system, plus it builds up the defence system of the plants.
  • SilicaPower contains silicon in the form of 3% orthosilicic acid. In the young rose plant, this improves the firmness of the crop. The older the plant becomes, the more important this is and long stems can be cut from the plant. Another great advantage is the effect of silicon on the strength of the flower petals and colour intensity. The colour remains intense even when flowering.


Recommended dosage/advice for use - combination of SalicylPure/SilicaPower during the production stage of rose plants

The following dosage advice applies for the SalicylPure/SilicaPower combination:

  • Administer 1 litre of SalicylPure/ha/week and 0.35 litres of SilicaPower/ha/week) via the A fertiliser feeder or a separate fertiliser injector.
  • You can also spray both products over the crop. In that case, the dose is 1 litre of SalicylPure and 0.5 litres of SilicaPower per ha per week.
  • Repeat the weekly dose whilst the crop is in production.


Tip for a better vase life: apply Argentum shortly before harvest

If you maintain the resilience with the combination SilicaPower/SalicylPure, we recommend adding Argentum once or twice to the feed water that you drip feed around 14 days before you start cutting. The fertiliser with CE marking, Argentum, contains a small amount of colloidal silver. It is known that silver has a positive effect on the healing of cutting wounds. Cutting wounds that heal better extend the shelf life of the roses in the sales channel and the vase life at the consumer.

Mitigate additional stress conditions with the use of Cuprum

If the crop is experiencing additional (temporary) stress due, for example, to an unfavourable microclimate, we recommend that whilst the conditions persist, you also administer our CE-marked foliar fertiliser Cuprum, which contains micro-copper. This fertiliser boosts growth and photosynthesis and therefore the quality of your roses. Dose: 0.25 litres/ha/week.

If SilicaPower is sprayed, Cuprum can be added to the spray mixture.

A vigorous rose plant emits fewer stress signals

In situations with a high prevalence of pests, fertilisation with ConSecta may provide a solution. This CE-marked fertiliser with herbal extracts ensures vigorous, well-developed plants with larger leaves and longer branches. A healthy, vigorous plant emits fewer stress signals, because of which pests are less attracted to the plants. If ConSecta is applied at the same time as SilicaPower, this will provide an additional physical barrier for pests: stronger leaves make things more difficult for piercing pests.

Recommended dosage/advice for use for spraying ConSecta in roses

  • 4 litres of ConSecta per hectare per week; 500 ml/100 litres of water with a minimum of 3 litres of ConSecta per hectare.
  • ConSecta can be sprayed or administered via LVM (low volume misting). In LVM, use 3 litres of ConSecta along with 10 litres of water.
  • ConSecta can be used effectively with natural predators, bees and honeybees.


Blue Bac water-maintenance products for clean irrigation water and undisturbed growth

Your plants must always be able to access sufficient high-quality irrigation water. Prevent organic contamination in the water basin/silo or the irrigation pipe system with our 100% natural water-maintenance products Blue Bac-1 and Blue-Bac-2. Both Blue Bac products are bacterial products, each with its own type of bacteria and effect.

Blue Bac-1: no algae in the basin/silo. Blue Bac-2: no blockages in the pipes

With Blue Bac-1, algae in basins barely get a chance to grow. The bacteria in Blue Bac-1 compete with algae for nutrition. The bacteria also ensure that dead algae are more easily digested. Following administration, the water in your basin or silo will soon become crystal clear and will remain clear.

Blue Bac-2 is most effective when used in the pipes and drippers of your irrigation system. The enzymes formed by the bacteria in Blue Bac-2 form a very smooth coating on the inside of the pipes, which organic contaminants such as sand or, for example, phosphate deposits cannot adhere to. The use of Blue Bac-2 also has a positive effect on the root development of plants and helps you to maintain the pH (stability) of your feed water.

Recommended dosage/advice for use - Blue Bac-1

  • Start with 2 litres of Blue Bac-1/500 m3 of basin water in the spring. The best result can be expected at a water temperature upwards of 15°C (usually in mid-April).
  • Repeat the application of Blue Bac-1 every month at a dose of 1.0 litre/500 m3 of basin water.
  • To achieve the best effect, Blue Bac-1 should be mixed through the water thoroughly. Therefore, add the product as far away from the intake point as possible. Thorough aeration using a Venturi or waterfall also improves the effect.
  • Tip: allow the basin water to move horizontally, as algae does not thrive well in moving water. The bacteria in Blue Bac-1 will then do the rest.


Recommended dosage/advice for use - Blue Bac-2

  • As a starting dose, administer 5 litres of Blue Bac-2/ha, in a single shot from a separate fertilizer injector or add to the day storage tank or the A fertilizer feeder. For the best effect, we recommend aerating the irrigation water with a Venturi or waterfall. Repeat this dose once a month until the end of the growing season.


Be cautious when combining application with hydrogen peroxide Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), widely used for disinfection, is a strong oxidising agent that can react with all organic products. For this reason, the recommended products SalicylPure, ConSecta and ArgicinPlus cannot be used in irrigation water to which hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) or another chlorinated oxidising agent has been added. Blue Bac-1 and Blue Bac-2 are natural alternatives for H2O2 or other chemical disinfectants. Contact our advisor to discuss our solution if you nevertheless wish to use hydrogen peroxide at the same time as ArgicinPlus, SalicylPure and ConSecta.

Any questions or additional advice?

Do you have any additional questions or would you like to know how to translate the aforementioned advice to your own growing situation? Contact your dealer or our advisor Alwin Scholten. Ring Alwin on telephone number +31 (0)6 49 33 49 30, or email him on

Maintain a consistent quality of cut roses with 100% natural PlantoSys products

Focusing on robustness and resilience enables you to maintain a consistent quality of your rose crop. With ArgicinPlus as the basic fertiliser, the crop is healthy and resilient from an early stage. ArgicinPlus fits into an ICM cultivation system (integrated crop management) and is therefore a sustainable growing method. This ensures that all conditions are present for a healthy crop with a long vase life.

Alwin Scholten

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Alwin Scholten

+31 (0)6 49 33 49 30E-mail

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