- Used alone: 100 ml Cuprum/100 litres water with a minimum of 500 ml/ha.
- When mixed with other PlantoSys products (including Ds-Kalk and ManZincum) or fungicides (crop protection products): 250 ml/ha.
Cuprum is a fertiliser with CE marking that contains micro copper. Copper strengthens your crop. Half a litre of Cuprum (contains 7 grams of elementary copper) is enough to spray a whole hectare. The result is significant savings compared, for example, with the application of copper oxychloride.
OrderIt also means no residue, no growth inhibition, no re-entry restrictions and no safety term before harvesting. Together with Ds-Lime and ManZincum, it is used to make our Ds-Mix.
Your contact person
Alwin Scholten