
Pear cultivation can broadly be divided into two categories: eating pear cultivation and cooking pear cultivation. The Conference pear is a popular example of an eating pear with juicy, fresh and sweet flesh, that also keeps for a very long time. The Gieser Wildeman is a popular example of a small pear with hard flesh that is unpalatable when raw. The eating pear in particular, requires your attention to ensure its skin is sufficiently hard to provide the flesh with additional protection during harvest and storage. Our biostimulants and fertilisers help you do that and we explain how.

The basis is stress-free growth

A tree in prime condition does not guarantee a high yield, but does contribute significantly to that. You can play a (very) important role in helping a tree to thrive and maintain that prime condition. Ensure the tree benefits from a good balance of water, nutrition, light and temperature. Abiotic stress factors, such as heat, frost, a lack of moisture and mineral deficiency can disrupt this growth balance and lead to growth stress. Other stress factors, such as scab and hail, can also have a disruptive effect. To maintain the growth balance, we have a number of solutions.

Ds-Mix – a basic solution for less stress

Our basic solution to optimise the growth balance is to treat your trees after flowering with Ds-Mix every week for a three-month period. Ds-Mix is made up of three of our products: Ds-Lime, Cuprum and ManZincum.

  • Ds-Lime is a highly pure calcium fertiliser with CE marking, which acts as a building block for cell walls.
  • Cuprum is a fertiliser with CE marking that contains micro-copper (among other things). Copper plays a role in producing growth-promoting proteins and therefore more robust trees.
  • ManZincum is also a fertiliser with CE marking, but then based on manganese and micro-zinc. Both elements are important for the photosynthesis process and therefore contribute to the growth of the tree and fruit.


Cuprum and ManZincum reinforce the use of Ds-Lime. Both products ensure that the lime is distributed better over the leaves. This increases the effect of the application.

Recommended dosage/advice for use - Ds-Mix in pear cultivation

To help you minimise growth stress during the growing season, we recommend spraying regularly with Ds-Mix. You prepare this mix by dissolving the following three products in 300 litres/ha of spray mixture.

1. Ds-Lime: 150 grams/100 l water

2. Cuprum: 0.5 l/ha

3. ManZincum: 0.75 l/ha

The order shown above is the recommended mixing order. To ensure that all products are mixed properly in the spray solution, it is important to always use the agitator in the tank when adding the products.

  • The spraying interval is 7-10 days.
  • Always spray onto a dry crop that is dew free.
  • No impact on the flavour, no safety term and no impact on natural predators.


SalicylPure for higher sugar levels during a frost

The prelude to a good yield is a tree full of (pollinated) blossom in the spring. However, frost can completely destroy the blossom. Spraying our CE marked biostimulant SalicylPure (willow bark extract) increases the sugar levels in the cells. Blossom with higher sugar levels is less susceptible to frosts at temperatures down to -5˚ C.

Recommended dosage/advice for use – SalicylPure for frost protection

  • 3 days before frost is forecast, spray 1 litre/ha of SalicylPure in combination with the wetting/binding agent Assist M36.
  • Repeat this every 3 days until frost is no longer a threat.
  • If the frost that is forecast is -2 or -3oC  as opposed to -5oC, repeat this every 5 days.


ArgicinPlus for wounds caused by frost or hail

Frost or a hefty hailstorm can cause smaller or larger wounds. Spraying ArgicinPlus prevents the natural defence response of wound-induced ethylene formation, the wound will grow over and the pear tree will continue to actively grow.

Recommended dosage/advice for use - ArgicinPlus for wounds caused by frost or hailstorm

  • Spray 1 litre/ha of ArgicinPlus the day after wounds have occurred and repeat this spraying after 7 days (2 applications in total).


Argentum and Cuprum during flowering and when leaves are shed

The application of Ds-Mix is our basic advice to make pear trees robust and resilient from flowering onwards. Stress levels in the orchard as a result of, for example, hail, humid weather or fire blight early or even late in the season, can be such that an extra resilience boost is required. Our solution at those times is supplementary fertilisation with Argentum and/or Cuprum. Argentum is a fertiliser with CE marking containing colloidal silver. This increases the tree’s sugar production. Cuprum is also a fertiliser with CE marking and contains a very small amount of micro-copper. This micro-copper assists with nitrogen conversion and therefore stimulates growth. Both fertilisers ensure additional resilience.

Recommended dosage/advice for use - Argentum and Cuprum in pears

  • During flowering, spray 0.1 l/ha of Argentum every 3 days. Maximum number of applications = 2-3 times.
  • When leaves are being shed, spray a mixture of 0.1 l/ha of Argentum and 0.5 l/ha of Cuprum every 3 days. Maximum number of applications = 2-3 times.


Questions or advice?

Do you have any additional questions or would you like tailor-made advice concerning your own cultivation situation? Contact your dealer or our advisor Alwin Scholten. Alwin can be contacted on telephone number +31 (0)6 49 33 49 30, or by email on

Alwin Scholten

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Alwin Scholten

+31 (0)6 49 33 49 30E-mail

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