
Grow healthy tomatoes with a stronger skin, that store well

Growing tomatoes under glass enables you to control and influence a considerable number of cultivation factors. One of these factors is strengthening the resilience of the crop. The greater this resilience, the better equipped your tomato plant is to protect itself against abiotic stress. Improve the resilience of your tomato plants by applying our CE fertilisers and biostimulants. All contain natural ingredients and leave no residues, there is no growth inhibition, no re-entry restrictions and there is no safety term before harvest!

Start to use ArgicinPlus at the propagation stage of tomato plants

Follow our advice and start strengthening your tomato plants as early as during propagation. All the energy that is put into making the young plants more robust, stronger and more resilient will pay off later on during commercial growing. The crop is then more adept at coping with stress conditions.

Ask your propagator to feed the young plants with our versatile CE fertiliser ArgicinPlus, to give the plants a head start in times of stress. ArgicinPlus contains three different components: orthosilicic acid (silicon), willow bark extract and colloidal silver.

  • Silicon is built into the cell walls of the stalk and leaf and literally strengthens these. Also, this helps water and nutrients to reach their destination as silicon improves the internal transport of water.
  • The willow bark extract in ArgicinPlus plays an important role in root development. It encourages faster and more uniform growth from the root block in the slab. The young tomato plants grow better and more evenly after pricking out and have a greater capacity to absorb water and nutrients. After being planted out, you will experience significantly fewer failures.
  • Colloidal silver helps to increase the chlorophyll content and also diffuses the incoming light. This prevents the leaf temperature from rising as quickly.

Due to its broad effect, ArgicinPlus is the standard for the propagation phase of tomato plants.

Recommended dosage/advice for use - ArgicinPlus in tomato growing

  • Recommended dose: 1 litre/ha/week ArgicinPlus in spray mixture amounts up to 500 litres/ha. Add an additional 0.2 litres of ArgicinPlus for every 100 additional litres of spray mixture. Crop spraying is preferable; administration via LVM (low volume misting) is an alternative.
  • Start the first spray when the primary leaf emerges after germination. Align the weekly spraying schedule with the time of grafting and topping; spray one day before grafting the bottom and top of the plant and after topping the plant. This increases the success rate of grafting and the wound from topping heals more quickly.


Standard combination in tomato commercial growing: SalicylPure and SilicaPower

From the time at which the plants are delivered to you by the propagator and you start commercial growing, it is important that you further maintain or even scale up plant resilience. You can do this by combining the application of our CE marked biostimulants SalicylPure and SilicaPower:

  • The silicon in SilicaPower strengthens the cell walls and the epidermis of the leaf which becomes stronger, it improves distribution and absorption of nutrients and minerals (such as calcium), it improves the internal transport of water and reduces drought stress. This also means fewer problems with abiotic blossom-end rot. It is known that when leaves are stronger, they are less susceptible to infections and to piercing pests (physical barrier). Later on in the growth phase, silicon strengthens both the leaves and the fruit; the skin of the tomatoes is literally stronger which improves storability.
  • SalicylPure mainly improves the plant’s self-healing capacity and root development.


Recommended dosage/advice for use - SalicylPure and SilicaPower in commercial growing of tomatoes

  • 1 litre of SalicylPure per hectare per week. Start: In the first crop, mid-April is early enough to start. In the second (and third if applicable) crop, we recommend starting when cultivation starts (until the end of cultivation).
  • 0.35 litres of SilicaPower per hectare per week. Start: immediately after planting (until the end of cultivation). In high-wire crops, keep to a dose of 0.3 litres of SilicaPower per hectare.


You can administer both products via irrigation (dose from the A fertiliser feeder or separate fertiliser injector based on the aforementioned doses), or you can spray. If you spray, an adjusted dose: 0.5 litres/ha/week (and 0.4 litres/ha/week in high wire crops) applies specifically to SilicaPower.

Soil Bac allows you to restore and maintain the balance of soil life

Tomatoes are frequently grown on rock wool. Organic substrates and perlite are frequently used as a growing medium. Rock wool and perlite are sterile, well-suited for a uniform root environment, but also without any form of natural soil life. When the growing conditions are poorer, we therefore recommend adding Soil Bac-1 to improve the microbiological soil life. Soil Bac-1 contains a Bacillus mix of gram positive bacteria that help with root formation and help to restore and rebalance the soil life, improving crop growth.

Recommended dosage/advice for use Soil Bac-1

  • The starting dose is 2.5 litres of Soil Bac-1 per hectare, added in a single shot to the drip feeder from a separate fertiliser feeder. Subsequently, at least 2 follow-up doses of 2.5 litres of Soil Bac-1 each time, with an interval of one month.
  • Soil Bac-1 can also be sprayed or irrigated. The dose is then 250 ml of Soil Bac-1/100 litres of water.


Problem-free irrigation with Blue Bac water-maintenance products

Being able to supply the crop with plenty of clean water every day isn’t always a given. Blocked drippers or algae in the basin soon lead to problems. Stay ahead of these problems by using our - 100% natural - water-maintenance products Blue Bac-1 and Blue-Bac 2 every month. These bacterial products won’t only clear your basin or silo, but will also prevent a green film from forming and organic blockages.

Use Blue Bac-1 if your basin or water silo turns green from the algae

Blue Bac-1 is a bacterial product based on useful and harmless bacteria. These bacteria compete with algae for nutrition, causing the algae to die off. They also assist in the digestion process of dead algae. This ensures that your basin and/or silo will become clean and stay clean.

Recommended dosage/advice for use Blue Bac-1

  • As a starting dose, administer 2 litres of Blue Bac-1 /500 m3 of basin water in the spring. The best result can be expected at a water temperature upwards of 15°C (usually in mid-April).
  • Repeat the application of Blue Bac-1 every month at a dose of 1 litre/500 m3 of basin water. To achieve the best effect, Blue Bac-1 must be mixed thoroughly through the water. Therefore, add the product as far away from the intake point as possible. Thorough aeration using a Venturi or waterfall also improves the effect.


With Blue Bac-2 you can achieve clean pipes and drippers

The Bacillus bacteria in Blue Bac-2 help clear organic contaminants from your irrigation system and drippers. The enzymes formed by these bacteria form a very smooth 'coating' on the inside of the pipes, which organic contaminants such as sand, cannot adhere to. The use of Blue Bac-2 also has a positive effect on the root development of the plants and helps you to maintain the pH (stability) of your feed water.

Recommended dosage/advice for use Blue Bac-2

  • As a starting dose, administer 5 litres of Blue Bac-2/ha, in a single shot from a separate fertiliser injector or add to the day storage tank or the A fertiliser feeder. Ensure good aeration of the irrigation water by using a Venturi or waterfall. Both improve the effectiveness of Blue Bac-2.
  • Repeat this dose once a month until the end of the growing season.

Do you use hydrogen peroxide? Read this tip!

The recommended products ArgicinPlus, SalicylPure and Soil Bac cannot be used in irrigation water to which hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has been added. The ingredients in these products are broken down by the H2O2 in just five minutes. 

Blue Bac-1 and Blue Bac-2 are natural alternatives to H2O2 or other chemical disinfectants, such as hypochlorite. Contact our advisor to discuss our solution if you nevertheless wish to use hydrogen peroxide at the same time as SalicylPure, ArgicinPlus or Soil Bac.

Would you like additional advice for your own tomato cultivation situation?

Do you have any additional questions or would you like to know which biostimulants and CE fertilisers are best suited to your crop? For concise advice, contact your dealer or our advisor Alwin Scholten. Call Alwin on telephone number +31 (0)6 49 33 49 30, or contact him by email

PlantoSys products strengthen your tomato plants, from young plants until harvest

Administering ArgicinPlus from the very start to young tomato plants directly improves the plant resilience of the crop. In commercial growing, you will reap the benefits of these crops with a stronger skin as the skin will improve storability.

Alwin Scholten

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Alwin Scholten

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