
Reduce stress in chicory crops and in forcing containers

For you, the basis of a wonderful chicory crop starts in the field. This is where you work hard, often in collaboration with growers who force the chicory (belgian endive), to cultivate healthy, perfectly sized, uniform roots. After being harvested, the roots are placed in cold storage for a short or longer period of time until being planted.

During the following 3 weeks, a nice firm head of chicory will form on top of the root. This is a great growing cycle, but unfortunately there are a few times at which both the crops in the field and in the forcing container may experience stress. We have solutions for those situations that make the crop more resilient and experience less stress. The benefit of this is a more vital and healthier crop that grows better and produces more.  

During root cultivation and forcing, SilicaPower ensures a permanently stronger crop

The silicon in our biostimulant SilicaPower helps chicory become stronger and protects it from stress conditions during both root cultivation and forcing. Silicon boosts root development and strengthens the cell walls and epidermis of the leaves, the root and the head. It also ensures balanced uptake and distribution of calcium, magnesium and manganese by the plant. Calcium and magnesium in particular improve the capacity of the chicory root to absorb water and nutrients. Calcium also plays an important role in the development of the chicory head. Therefore, use SilicaPower during both root cultivation and forcing. The harvested root is stronger and more suitable for long-term storage. The chicory head is firmer, is less likely to bruise during harvesting and it therefore has a better shelf life.

Recommended dosage/advice for use - SilicaPower in chicory root cultivation

  • Dosage during root cultivation: start with 0.3 litres/ha. Then increase to 0.5 litres/ha/time, depending on the growth rate and crop volume.
  • Interval: start with initial spraying approximately one month after sowing, then follow-up spraying is at intervals of 7-10 days.


Recommended dosage/advice for use SilicaPower in chicory forcing

  • Dosage for forcing container: weekly 0.4 ml/m2.
  • Time: as soon as the roots have been planted, atomise once over the planted roots.


SilicaPower is the purest silicon biostimulant on the market. No salts have been added.

Before planting, dip chicory roots in ArgicinPlus for faster and more uniform root development

To improve the self-healing capacity of the chicory roots before planting them in the forcing container, we recommend dipping the roots in our CE fertiliser ArgicinPlus for 15 minutes. Because of the different components, each with its own function, ArgicinPlus is a product with a broad effect. It boosts the chicory roots, mainly adding value if there are wounds as a result of the roots being taken from the cold stores and planted in the forcing container.

ArgicinPlus contains three different components: orthosilicic acid (silicon), willow bark extract and colloidal silver. 

  • Willow bark extract plays an important role in chicory root development, allowing the roots to absorb nutrients and water better and faster, and helps wounds to grow over.
  • Silicon is incorporated into the cell walls of the root and literally strengthens the root. Water and nutrients also reach their destination as silicon improves the internal transport of moisture.
  • The silver plays an important role in the absorption capacity of essential trace elements.


Recommended dosage/advice for use ArgicinPlus as dipping treatment of chicory roots

  • Recommended dosage: mix together 500 litres of water and 1 litre of ArgicinPlus (0.2% solution) to form a solution in which the roots will be dipped. Use new solution for each batch of roots to be forced.
  • Time: dip the roots for at least 15 minutes prior to placing the roots in the forcing container. Be alert for organic contamination and make sure that the concentration is maintained.
  • If additional water is added to the dipping container, also add ArgicinPlus in proportion to that.


Blue Bac-2 keeps the irrigation pipe system of the forcing installation free from blockages by organic contaminants

Our microbiological water-maintenance product Blue Bac-2 is ideal for cleaning up organic contamination in your irrigation (circulation) systems. The Bacillus bacteria in Blue Bac-2 produce enzymes that leave behind a natural coating which organic contaminants, such as sand, cannot adhere to. The other main benefits of Blue Bac-2 are the extra boost it gives to root development and its ability to maintain the stability of the pH of the process water, even without additional acidification.

Recommended dosage/advice for use Blue Bac-2

  • Dosage:               5 litres of Blue Bac-2/10 m3 of process water.
  • Time:                    Once, at the start of a new forcing round.


Do not add Blue Bac-2 at the same time to process water to which hydrogen peroxide, chloride or a disinfectant has been added. This causes Blue Bac-2 to break down, through which the effect is lost.

Bespoke advice for your root cultivation or forcing operations

Would you like advice about your cultivation or farm situation? Contact your dealer, or our advisor Alwin Scholten. Alwin can be contacted on telephone number +31 (0)6 49 33 49 30, or by email.

Natural fertilisers and biostimulants in chicory cultivation

Grow healthy, resilient chicory plants using PlantoSys products, which use ingredients obtained directly from nature. Our products mean no residues, no growth inhibition and no re-entry. There is no safety term before harvest.

Alwin Scholten

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Alwin Scholten

+31 (0)6 49 33 49 30E-mail

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