"You can present so many arguments verbally and on paper, but the real conviction often only comes after a grower has experienced our products for himself. Seeing is believing and then the enthusiastic and even surprised reactions come naturally," says PlantoSys managing director Alwin Scholten. The example of Inty-Tray (strawberry grower in the Netherlands) speaks for itself.
Blue Bac-1 and Blue Bac-2 are 100% natural water maintenance products that make short work of organic contaminants. Both products were developed on the basis of specifically acting bacteria.
Blue Bac-1 reduces the production of algae and subsequently also aids the digestion process of dead algae. Blue Bac-2 creates a very smooth natural coating on the inside of the pipe system, giving organic pollutants no chance to adhere.
Family company Inti-Tray was one of the first strawberry growers in the Netherlands to start regular application of a Blue Bac product. They have been using Blue Bac-2 in greenhouse strawberry cultivation for a year now, so they are now rightfully experience experts.
Owner Jan van den Elzen: "Since we started using Blue Bac-2, we manage to keep the pH of our pouring water much more stable. We see this especially in the pipe system; the pH there stays continuously between 6 and 6.3 without us having to acidify."
To get that stable pH, Van den Elzen gave a dose of Blue Bac-2 once every 14 days for the first 10 weeks of cultivation. In the remaining cultivation period, he went back to 1x per month. "I still tried skipping a month once, but then I immediately noticed that the pH started fluctuating again," he says.
What Van den Elzen is most pleased about, however, is the fact that his pouring pipes stay clean. "When I was still using hydrogen peroxide, I still sometimes suffered from a clogged dropper. Since I have been using Blue Bac-2, this has not happened. Also, the product fits better with our system of organic supplementary fertilisation." Convinced of Blue Bac-2's potential, the strawberry grower will soon also start using Blue Bac-1 to get his water basin clear again.
Would you like to have a clear water basin and clean pipes, just like Inti-Tray? Order Blue Bac-1 or Blue Bac-2 from one of our distributors, or directly from us.
Your contact person
Alwin Scholten